Center of quantum optics and quantum information of B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics was founded in 1994. At the moment there are 25 researchers. The head of the center is Prof. Dr. Sergei Kilin.
Main areas of investigations:
- NV centers in diamond for quantum information applications
- Quantum optics (squeezed, entangled and other non-classical states of light, single atom laser and non-markovian relaxation)
- Quantum tomography
- Quantum random number generators
- Quantum information and quantum cryptography
- Quantum computers
- Nonlinear stochastic processes in laser systems
At the moment the center takes part in number of local state scientific projects concerning:
- detection of noise signals and operation of stochastic processes in bistable lasers;
- optical methods of controlling spin states of single impurity color centers;
- creation of hybrid daylight system using solar tubes and LED;
- investigation of color centers properties located nearby nanostructured diamond surfaces for solid state quantum computers and single photon sources;
- quantum correlation complex system of various dimension;
- methods and algorithms of generation of random number sequence in space-separated points using quantum cryptography technology.
The center took part as a collaborator in a 7th European Framework Project EQUIND "Engineered QUantum Information in Nanostructured Diamond".
Also the center is one of the main participant of SUPERTWIN (a project founded by the European Union within the FETOPEN-2014-2015-RIA topic of the Excellent Science - Future and Emerging Technologies section of the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Framework Programme).
The center is a main organizer of International Conference of Quantum Optics and Information (ICQOQI), which has been organized since 1986. |