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Center of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
About us

Sergei Kilin
Head of CQOQI, Professor
Phone: +375 17 270 86 13
E-mail: kilin at dragon.bas-net.by
Zhikol O.A., Luzanov A.V., Omelchenko I.V., Pushkarchuk A.L., Pushkarchuk V.A., Nizovstev A.P., Kilin S.Ya., Bezyazychnaya T.V., Kuten' S. А. . "Use of density functional theory for modeling optical properties of vacancy defects in nanoclusters of various SiC polytypes " // Functional Materials. – 2018. – Vol. 25. – P. 337-341.
D. S. Filimonenko, V. M. Yasinskii, A. P. Nizovtsev, S. Ya. Kilin.. "Weak magnetic field resonance effects in diamond with nitrogen-vacancy centers" // Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium NANOSTRUCTURES: Physics and Technology. – 2018. – P. 239-240.
D. B. Horoshko, V. N. Chizhevsky, S. Ya. Kilin. "Afterpulsing model based on the quasi-continuous distribution of deep levels in single-photon avalanche diodes" // Journal of Modern Optics. – 2017. – Vol. 64. – № 2. – P. 191-195. doi: 10.1080/09500340.2016.1220643
Nizovtsev A.P., Kilin S.Ya. . "Engineered Microwaves to manipulate 13C nuclear spins in Hyperfine-coupled NV-13C Complexes in Diamond " // ЖПС. – 2017. – Vol. 83. – № 6-16. – P. 378-379.
Nizovtsev A.P., Kilin S.Ya., Pushkarchuk A.L., Kuten S.A., Pushkarchuk V.A. "Nuclear Spins in “NV-axial 13C” Complexes in Diamond: Hyperfine and Spatial Characteristics by DFT Simulation of the C510[NV]H252 Cluster" // ЖПС. – 2017. – Vol. 83. – № 6-16. – P. 380-381.
A.L.Pushkarchuk, T.V.Bezyazychnaya, A.P.Nizovtsev, S.Ya.Kilin, V.A.Pushkarchuk, S.A. Kuten, O.A.Zhikol, I.V.Omelchenko . "DFT modeling of spin properties of a vacancy defects in nanoclusters of 3C-SiC structural polytype. " // Nonlinear Dynamics and Application: Proceeding of the 23 Annual Seminar NPCS'2017. – 2017. – Vol. 23. – P. 171-177.
A.P.Nizovtsev, S.Ya.Kilin, A.L.Pushkarchuk, V.A.Pushkarchuk, S.A. Kuten, A.V. Luzanov, O.A. Zhikol, I.V.Omelchenko, F. Jelezko . "Stable electron-nuclear spin systems NV-13C in dimond for quantum technologies" // Nonlinear Dynamics and Application: Proceeding of the 23 Annual Seminar NPCS'2017. – 2017. – Vol. 23. – P. 150-158.
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