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| Alexander Nizovtsev Principal researcher, dr. sci. Phone: +375 17 284 10 61 E-mail: apniz at dragon.bas-net.by |
A.L. Pushkarchuk, A.P. Nizovtsev, S.Ya. Kilin, S.A. Kuten, V.A. Pushkarchuk, D. Michels, D. Lyakhov and F. Jelezko. "DFT Simulation of electronic and spin properties of GeV- color center in volume and near-surface of nanodiamond for Temperature Sensor applications" // Nanostrures: Physics and Technology. Proceedings of the 28th Int. Symp. Minsk, Belarus, Ioffe Institute, Russia. September, 2020. – 2020. – P. 194-195.
D.S. Filimonenko, V.M. Yasinskii, A.P. Nizovtsev, S.Ya. Kilin, and F. Jelezko. "Weak magnetic field effects on the photoluminescence of an ensemble of NV centers in diamond: experiment and modelling" // Nanostrures: Physics and Technology. Proceedings of the 28th Int. Symp. Minsk, Belarus, ,Ioffe Institute, Russia. September, 2020. – 2020. – P. 178-179.
A.P. Nizovtsev, S.Ya. Kilin, A.L. Pushkarchuk, S.A. Kuten and F. Jelezko. "Hyperfine interactions in diamond with paramagnetic color centers: Quantum chemistry simulation versus experiment" // Nanostrures: Physics and Technology. Proceedings of the 28th Int. Symp. Minsk, Belarus, Ioffe Institute, Russia, September, 2020. – 2020. – P. 190-191.
С.Я. Килин, А.П. Низовцев, А.Л. Пушкарчук, В.В. Шманай, Ф. Железко. "ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ СПИНОВЫХ СИСТЕМ NV-13C В НАНОАЛМАЗАХ, СИНТЕЗИРУЕМЫХ ИЗ АЗА-АДАМАНТАНА " // Наука - инновационному развитию общества (Материалы III научно-практической конференции) Минск 16 ноября 2018 года, издательство "Беларусская наука" . – 2020. – C. .
I. Peshko, D. Mogilevtsev, I. Karuseichyk, A. Mikhalychev, A. P. Nizovtsev, G. Ya. Slepyan, A. Boag. "Quantum noise radar: superresolution with quantum antennas by accessing spatiotemporal correlations" // Optics Express. – 2019. – Vol. 27. – P. 29217-29231. doi: 10.1364/OE.27.029217
V. A. Pushkarchuk, S.A. Kuten, A. P. Nizovtsev, S. Ya. Kilin. "Spin Properties of Germanium-Vacancy Centers in Bulk and Near-Surface Regions of Diamond" // International Journal of Nanoscience. – 2019. – Vol. 18. – № 3&4. – P. 1940012 (4 pages). doi: 10.1142/S0219581X1940012X
A. L. Pushkarchuk, S. A. Kuten, V. A. Pushkarchuk, A. P. Nizovtsev, S. Ya. Kilin. "Neutral Silicon-Vacancy Color Center in Diamond: Cluster Simulation of Spatial and Hyperfine Characteristics" // International Journal of Nanoscience. – 2019. – Vol. 18. – № 3&4. – P. 1940010 (4 pages). doi: 10.1142/S0219581X19400106 |