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| Sergei Kilin Head of CQOQI, Professor Phone: +375 17 270 86 13 E-mail: kilin at dragon.bas-net.by |
A.P. Nizovtsev, S.Ya. Kilin, A.L. Pushkarchuk, S.A. Kuten, N.A. Poklonski, D. Michels, D. Lyakhov and F. Jelezko. "Spatial and hyperfine characteristics of SiV- and SiV0 color centers in diamond: DFT simulation " // Semiconductors. – 2020. – Vol. 54. – № 12. – P. 1685-1688. doi: 10.1134/S1063782620120271
Ilya V. Fedotov, Maxim A. Solotenkov, Matvey S. Pochechuev, Olga I. Ivashkina, Sergei Ya. Kilin, Konstantin V. Anokhin, and Aleksei M. Zheltikov. "All-Optical Brain Thermometry in Freely Moving Animals" // ACS Photonics. – 2020. – P. A-H. doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.0c00706
A. P. Nizovtsev , S. Ya. Kilin. "Микроволны для эффективного манипулирования ядерными спинами в системах NV-13C в алмазе " // Известия РАН, серия физическая. – 2020. – Т. 84. – № 3. – C. 310-316. doi: 10.31857/S0367676520030217
Эскандери М.М., Хорошко Д.Б, Килин С.Я. "Безошибочное различение когерентных состояний двухмодового оптического поля" // Оптика и спектроскопия. – 2020. – Т. 128. – № 8. – C. 1171-1176. doi: 10.21883/OS.2020.08.49716.83-20
A.P. Nizovtsev, S.Ya. Kilin, A.L. Pushkarchuk, S.A. Kuten, A.S. Gusev and F. Jelezko.. "Hyperne characteristics of quantum registers NV-13C in diamond nanocrystals formed by seeding approach from isotopic aza-adamantane and methyl-aza-adamanthane" // Nanostructures: Physics and Technology. Proceedings of the 28th Int. Symp. Minsk, Belarus, September, 2020, Ioffe Institute, Russia. – 2020. – P. 144-145..
A.P Nizovtsev, S.Ya. Kilin, A.L. Pushkarchuk, S.A. Kuten, N.A. Poklonski, D. Michels, D. Lyakhov and F. Jelezko. . "Spatial and hyperfine characteristics of SiV- and SiV0 color centers in diamond: DFT simulation" // Physics and Technology. Proceedings of the 28th Int. Symp. Minsk, Belarus, Ioffe Institute, September, 2020, Russia. – 2020. – P. 142-143.
A.L. Pushkarchuk, A.P. Nizovtsev, S.Ya. Kilin, S.A. Kuten, V.A. Pushkarchuk, D. Michels, D. Lyakhov and F. Jelezko. "DFT Simulation of electronic and spin properties of GeV- color center in volume and near-surface of nanodiamond for Temperature Sensor applications" // Nanostrures: Physics and Technology. Proceedings of the 28th Int. Symp. Minsk, Belarus, Ioffe Institute, Russia. September, 2020. – 2020. – P. 194-195. |