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VI Seminar on Quantum Optics, 1996
The Seminar was held in Recreation Center "Svitanok" on a bank of the Lake of
Zaslavl near Minsk on May 15- May 17, 1996. A part of the reports presented at
SQO-VI was published in special issue of Optika i
Spektroskopiya (Optics and Spectroscopy), Vol.82, No.6, 1997
Contents of the issue:
- S. Ya. Kilin, Minsk Seminars on Quantum Optics. (885)
- A. S. Trifonov, Squeezed Light of a Diode Laser. (889)
- A V. Masalov and A. A. Putilin, Quantum Noise of a Modulation Optical
Amplifier. (896)
- V. G. Bespalov, D. I. Stasel'ko, and E. Yu. Yutanova, Quantum
fluctuations and Coherence of SRS Radiation. Bragg Diffraction, Axial and
Conical Excitation of Stokes and Anti-Stokes Components. (901)
- D. Yu. Parashchuk and N. V. Chigarev, Measurements with a Limiting
Sensitivity of Small Transverse Displacements of a Beam of a
Quasi-Continuous Mode-Locked Laser. (908)
- D. B. Horoshko and S. Ya. Kilin, Quantum Theory of Feedback Specified by
the Measurement. (913)
- A. S. Troshin, Generation of Sub-Poisson Light at Cascade Operating
Transitions with a Negative Feedback. (923)
- N. A. Vasil'ev and A. S. Troshin, On Generation of Sub-Poisson Light:
Feedback between Pumping and Photocurtent Induced by Spontaneous Emission. (927)
- V. N. Gorbachev and A. I. Trubilko, Transformation of Non-Classical
Light in a Configuration with Optoelectronic Feedback. (932)
- Yu. M. Golubev, G. R. Ershov, A. N. Prokshin, and I. V. Sokotov,
Independence of the Linewidth of Regular and Poissonian Laser from Natural
Fluctuations of Excitation. (936)
- V. N. Gorbachev and A. I. Trubilko, Micromaser Generation with an
Intracavity Parametric Cell. (946)
- D. V. Kupriyanov and I. M. Sokolov, Spectroscopy of Intensity
Fluctuations of Polarized Atomic Media by Means of Squeezed Light. (952)
- V. N. Beskrovnyi and A. S. Chirkin, Generation of Sub-Poissonian Light
with Nonclassical Polarization State in Quadratically-Nonlinear Crystals. (961)
- V. V. Volokhovskii and A. S. Chirkin, Polarization Effects for
Polarization-Squeezed Light Formed in a Medium with Third-Order
Nonlinearity. (966)
- S. Ya. Kilin and V. N. Shatokhin, Entangled States in the Resonance
Atomic-Field Interactions. (972)
- A. S. Chirkin, Operator of the Time and the Uncertainty Relation for
the Energy and a Parameter of a Light Pulse. (981)
- Yu. M. Golubev and M. I. Kolobov, Quantum Features of Optical
Excitation of a Passive Cavity. (984)
- D. Kuznetsov and D. Rohrlich, Quantum Noise in the Mapping of the Phase
Space. (990)
- I. V. Sokolov, Combined Kinetic Equation for Optical Cavities Coupled
by Nonclassical Optical Signals. (996)
- A. S. Chirkin, A. P. Alodzhants, and M. Arakelyan, On a New Quantum
Definition of the Degree of Polarization of an Electromagnetic Field. (1001)
- Ya. A. Fofanov, On the Criterion for Resolving Power of Polarization
Measurements. (1004)
- A. P. Nizovtsev, S. Ya. Kilin, P. R. Berman, C. von Borczyskowski, and
J. Wrachtrup, Stochastic Theory of Optically Detected Coherent Phenomena in
the Triplet State of Single Molecules. (1010)
- S. A. Moiseev, Nonresonance Absorption of Energy Quantum by a Two-Level
Atom. (1021)
- S. A. Moiseev, Special Features of Detection of a Single-Photon Echo and
a Time-Delayed Photon Interference in a Three-Level Medium. (1027)